Gold has a long and storied history that spans millennia and civilization. Every culture that has come in contact with it has worked with it to some capacity. Nearly all have been in awe of its beauty, in turn making gold a ripe candidate for decorative jewelry, currency and ornamentation. Gold has been used in jewelry for thousands of years, a particularly popular choice because of its brilliant color and incorruptibility. The Egyptians began producing gold jewelry using electrum as far back as 5000 B.C.E. The city of Ur was making gold chains in 2500 B.C.E. and, in the Americas, the Nazca and Chavin civilizations were perfecting their own methods of engraving and casting gold. Going back as far as 4,000 B.C. in Eastern Europe and Iraq in 3000 B.C. Evidence suggests that the Roman Empire went to great lengths to smelt gold from iron pyrites. So, with all that...
Tamir Almekies
Jun 15, 2017